Marin Girls Softball League

Kentfield Girls Softball Interest Form


Thank you for considering joining Kentfield Girls Softball.


Please fill out the following screen to include your interest in joining KGS. (Player name, DOB, School/Grade, Parent name & contact info... that's it!).


If there is already space on any teams in your age division, you will be sent a link to complete Registration and Payment to join Kentfield Girls Softball.


We will work to recruit players to try to form additional teams based on these receiving these Softball Interest Forms We will do our best.  Please fill out so we know of additional players that may potentially form another team. 

Please only fill out this form if you live in Greenbrae, Kentfield, Ross or North Larkspur. Thanks!


For more information, please visit:

KGS Board


Please direct questions to:

' KGS President

' KGS President